How does a financing project work?


1- Community identification of the monument

The community identifies, submits and selects a monument to be digitized.

2 - Negotiations between Lay3rs and the monument's owners

Build3rs negotiates the use of the monument with the rights holders, inventories the data already available and estimates the need for additional recordings. A target budget is defined. All this information forms the initial digital twin project.

3 - Launch of pooling

The digital twin project is now open for contributions, with the aim of reaching the target budget set in step 2. Contributions are collected in $PLAY tokens from the community.

4 - Digital Twin creation

Once the pooling has reached its target, the monument data is acquired, aggregated and transformed into a first batch of exports adapted to the most common uses (Unreal Engine, Unity, Voxel, etc.). These exports are ready for distribution on the Build3rs marketplace.

5 - Community definition of twin's evolution

The project becomes autonomous.

Using dedicated tools, the community of contributors is able to decide autonomously and transparently on the development and direction of the project: distribution of value, addition of new data, conditions for export distribution, etc.

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