๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธDAO Master contract

Welcome to the documentation page for the DAO Master contract! This page provides users with a detailed understanding of how the DAO Master contract operates, its functionalities, and important information for end users.


The DAO Master contract is a smart contract deployed on the Ethereum blockchain, serving as the backbone of governance and proposal management within the Lay3rs ecosystem. It enables users to create, manage, and execute proposals through decentralized decision-making processes.

Key Features

Proposal Management

The DAO Master contract allows users to create and manage proposals for various actions within the Lay3rs ecosystem. Proposals can include changes to protocol parameters, project funding requests, or any other governance-related actions.

Merkle Proof Verification

To ensure the integrity of off-chain votes, the contract provides a mechanism for verifying votes using Merkle proofs. This allows users to validate their votes as part of the overall voting process, ensuring transparency and security.

Security and Access Control

The contract implements security features such as pausing functionality to handle emergencies and access control modifiers to restrict certain actions to authorized users. This helps maintain the integrity of the governance process and protects against unauthorized access.

Functionality Overview

Proposal Creation

Users can create new proposals by providing details such as the IPFS link of the proposal content, the address of the related project smart contract, function signatures to be called, and encoded parameters for the function calls. This initiates the governance process for the proposed action.

Proposal Commitment

After a voting period, users can commit proposals by providing the Merkle root aggregating all vote results, the index of the function to be called, and whether the proposal has been executed. This finalizes the governance decision and executes the proposed action if applicable.

Pause and Unpause

The contract owner has the ability to pause and unpause contract functionality. Pausing the contract prevents most functions from being called, providing a safeguard in case of emergencies or unexpected circumstances.

Important Considerations

Proposal Creation

When creating proposals, users should ensure that all necessary details are provided accurately. This includes the IPFS link of the proposal content, the address of the project smart contract, and function signatures with corresponding parameters.

Merkle Proof Verification

Users participating in the voting process should verify their votes using Merkle proofs to ensure that their votes are included in the overall vote count. This helps maintain the integrity and transparency of the governance process.

Security and Access Control

Only authorized users should have access to critical functions such as creating and committing proposals. Contract owners should exercise caution when pausing and unpausing contract functionality to avoid disruptions to the governance process.


The DAO Master contract plays a crucial role in governing the Lay3rs ecosystem by enabling decentralized decision-making through proposal management and voting mechanisms. Users can actively participate in governance processes while ensuring the security and integrity of the overall ecosystem. If you have any further questions or require assistance, please reach out to the Lay3rs team for support. Happy governing with Lay3rs! ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ

โ›ฒSmart contracts architecture

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