Digital twin

What is a digital twin?

The digital twins created by Build3rs are made up of 2 types of raw data:

  • Data from different types of capture (geolocalized point clouds, photogrammetry, videos, acoustic maps, etc.),

  • Data from archives.

These data are:

  • First, assembled into a global 3D model that is extremely accurate, but difficult to manipulate due to its weight and complexity,

  • Secondly, semantically segmented into subsets, to isolate all parts of the monument (architectural elements, objects, textures, etc.).

    • These subsets are optimized and packaged into ready-to-use models, called "exports", in various forms dedicated to specific digital creations and business processes.

Exports are distributed to creators in the form of operating licenses, which generate value around the digital twin over time.

Thanks to blockchain technology, all the aggregated data can be used to create the world's largest and richest library of resources on monuments worldwide, in a permanent way, like a persistent archive beyond the natural or human risks that threaten cultural heritage every day.

What uses for a digital twin?

Numerous applications benefit from the creation of digital twins. First and foremost, this faithful reproduction is an ideal working tool for scientists and architects, as part of their mission to preserve and maintain monuments.

The emergence of virtual or augmented tours, like all augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) or mixed reality (MR) services combining VR and AR, relies on digital twins to immerse the user in an environment, or to enable spatial location in the absence of a GPS signal, for example.

Two of the biggest entertainment industries, cinema and video games, use numerous 3D resources derived from reality capture to anchor their creations in a meaningful environment.

The various exports produced by the digital twin can then be used for film wrapping/VFX, or as real-time 3D assets in video games. Today, there are so many concrete applications for the use of a twin, while many others have yet to be imagined...

How do digital twin exports work?

The various exports of a digital twin are distributed to designers on the Build3rs marketplace.

Exports are marketed in the form of licenses giving access to 3D model downloads.

These blockchain-based licenses (NFT) automate the redistribution of the revenues generated to the various rights holders. The conditions, including price and usage rules, are set by the community.

How do Build3rs digital twins contribute to heritage preservation?

The institution in charge of preserving the real monument receives a share of the funds generated by each digital twin project: funds raised via twin creation/evolution projects and revenues generated via export distribution.

By contributing to the projects proposed by Build3rs, you are participating in the creation of a new kind of digital asset, enabling culture to be disseminated more widely and sustainably via digital channels, and initiating a new funding path for preservation.

Where sponsorship relies on donations, Build3rs aims to set up an economic model that fairly remunerates the various stakeholders in the value chain.

Last updated